Category: Blog

President George Bush: ‘Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter’

Ah, the maturity of a man to whom everything is one big joke.


The American leader, who has been condemned throughout his presidency for failing to tackle climate change, ended a private meeting with the words: “Goodbye from the world’s biggest polluter.”

He quit rather than lower flag for Helms

L.F. Eason III gave up the only job he’d ever had rather than lower a flag to honor former U.S. Sen. Jesse Helms.

He told his staff that he did not think it was appropriate to honor Helms because of his “doctrine of negativity, hate, and prejudice” and his opposition to civil rights bills and the federal Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

Homenatge Rafel Nadal

I guess this is the kind of homecoming you get when you are from a smallish town and win a huge sporting event. A big reception at the city town hall. And it was totally deserved. The Wimbledon final this past Sunday was a match for the ages. Two opponents so closely matched that you hate that either of them had to lose – and what a tough loss it must have been for Federer. I’m just ticked I didn’t record the match so that I can keep it on DVD!

Mondegreens Ripped My Flesh

I never knew these were called mondegreens – learn something new every day! A great collection of them can be found on the site.

Mondegreens Ripped My Flesh

Here at the Center for the Humane Study of Mondegreens, we’ve been toting up the entries and applying the latest statistical correlative methods, even using our toes, to arrive at a semi-definitive answer.

We believe that the most frequently submitted Mondegreen is still “Gladly, the cross-eyed bear” (known in the real world as that fine old hymn “Gladly The Cross I’d Bear”). A close second is “There’s a bathroom on the right,” a mishearing of “There’s a bad moon on the rise” from the old Creedence Clearwater song “Bad Moon Rising.”

Iraqi Official Says Government Wants Timetable for Withdrawal

Now where have I heard this idea before?

Iraq’s national security advisor said Tuesday that his government would not sign an agreement governing the future role of U.S. troops in Iraq unless it includes a timetable for their withdrawal.

Some things never change…

Cheney leaving as he arrived? | Countdown to Crawford | Los Angeles Times

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), who chairs the Senate Environment Committee, leveled the attack today, accusing the vice president and other administration officials of “recklessly” seeking to censor testimony about the dangers of global warming and working behind the scenes to block new regulation.

Man flying lawn chair lifted by helium balloons

It’s good to have a dream…

Yahoo! News

Riding a green lawn chair supported by a rainbow array of more than 150 helium-filled party balloons, Kent Couch took off Saturday in a third bid to fly from central Oregon all the way to Idaho.

As Gas Prices Soar, Elderly Face Cuts in Aid

Early last month, Jeanne Fair, 62, got her first hot meals delivered to her home in this lake town in the sparsely populated southwestern part of the state. Then after two deliveries the meals stopped because gas prices had made the delivery too expensive.

“They called and said I was outside of the delivery area,” said Mrs. Fair, who is homebound and has not been able to use her left arm since a stroke in 1997.

See-Through Animal Photos

National Geographic has wonderful photos of translucent creatures. I found this guy to be particularly cute.

A photographer’s strobe gives a violet sheen to this translucent juvenile roundbelly cowfish off the coast of Kona, Hawaii. Also known as the transparent boxfish, the roundbelly cowfish has two short horns in front of its eyes.

Human Statues of Liberty are Huddled but Happy to Be Free

Playing the Statue of Liberty for eight hours a day, sweating underneath those robes in the glaring sun, makes for classic immigrant labor. It’s hot in there, it’s physical work, and sometimes, literally, they get pushed around, shoved off the pedestal by a mean-spirited joker or a strong wind.

But to each of them, the job has an elevated meaning. They’re independent entrepreneurs, after all. “Nobody tells us what to do,” said Sue, the first Miss Liberty.
