Month: June 2004


Is a full-fledged draft far away? CNN Headline: Army to recall former military members:

The Army is preparing to notify about 5,600 retired and discharged soldiers who are not members of the National Guard or Reserve that they will be involuntarily recalled to active duty for possible service in Iraq or Afghanistan, Army officials said Tuesday.

IE Sucks

Want a few reasons why Internet Explorer sucks? Give this a look.

And here’s a good reason to use Firefox as your browser of choice:

As far as supporting W3C standards, Firefox far exceeds the leading browser, Internet Explorer, in complying with the rules. While no browser is perfect, Firefox is making a good attempt. In fact, writing Web pages for Firefox is basically a matter of writing W3C-compliant code.

Nervous Repair

So, I’m sitting here fiddling around while the repair people are putting in my new A/C. I don’t think it’s a good thing when you hear one repair guy say to another one “I’m open to suggestions.”


My A/C just died. In summer. In Texas. Yeah. Pity me!

I just signed quick-loan-shark-type papers to borrow $4520 so I can get a new A/C installed this Tuesday. If I hadn’t just purchased a new computer last week, I could have put it in my credit card. I got 90 days same as cash, so I’m hoping to get a loan under better terms from my credit union next week.

Still Dead

This just in: Ronald Reagan still dead. I swear, I’m more sick of the man now than I was after dealing with having him for my President for eight years. To counterbalance all the knee-jerk, “the man is dead now, so we must praise him” press that’s going on, here are a few things to think about:

Although AIDS was first reported in the medical and popular press in 1981, it was only in October of 1987 that President Reagan publicly spoke about the epidemic. By the end of that year 59,572 AIDS cases had been reported and 27,909 of those women and men had died.


Reagan and his close political advisers also successfully prevented his surgeon general, C. Everett Koop, from discussing AIDS publicly until Reagan’s second term.


To not kick a man when he’s down, I’ll skip the exploding US debt, his lack of a stance against Apartheid and that whole Iran-Contra thing.

Low Culture

Hee! Actually, there’s a lot of fun stuff at that site – you might want to click around.

Taped Chair

Vintage chairs, even those with fabric in good shape, are apparently not meant to have double sided sticky tape put on them in an attempt to stop cats from scratching them. I think the tape’s done more damage than the cats have.

Ininite Cat

This site is fun in a “why am I still clicking and looking at this, but I can’t seem to stop” kind of way.
