Month: July 2008

Celestial Mishka

Trying to overcome the gossip that he is the spawn of Satan, Mishka arranges some celestial lighting.

(Also known as the last of the sick-day cat photos – promise!)



Wiping the slate clean

Tiny bubbles

Angel wing

Note to McCain: Czechoslovakia doesn’t exist anymore

The Carpetbagger Report

Look, I know this was just another verbal slip. McCain has been incompetent about foreign affairs for quite a while, and in the grand scheme of things, it’s relatively inconsequential that he keeps referencing a country that ceased to be in 1993. He’s said far worse.

But the raison d’etre of John McCain’s entire presidential campaign is the notion that he’s an expert on foreign policy, thanks to his decades of experience as a Washington insider. When the foreign policy expert keeps referencing a non-existent country, it’s not unreasonable to mention that maybe his expertise isn’t quite as impressive as his campaign and the political media establishment would like us to believe.

Exercise ‘slows down Alzheimer’s’

Guess I should really step up that Wii-fit work-out routine, huh?

Being physically fit could hold back the advance of Alzheimer’s disease, US researchers have suggested.

From above

Taking holding the camera above the sculpture and pointing down. Somehow the fly makes the face look even more pained…

(I don’t remember the name of this sculpture)

Your US tax dollars at work

Take a look at the comments and the theft becomes even more blatant.

Jeffrey Zeldman Presents

The Computing Community Consortium “supports the computing research community in creating compelling research visions and the mechanisms to realize these visions” and steals copyrighted design layouts from A List Apart magazine. (Judging by the color scheme, they stole the layout from Issue No. 254.)
