Month: December 2009

X marks the spot

WiFi for passive-aggressives

Zurich Zoo’s Wolf Pups

Crazed fan

I think I’m insulted at the number of messages I got from people asking if it was me when they read that a crazed fan had run out onto the court and kissed Rafa. You’d think they’d know me better than to think I’d actually run anywhere. Hmph.

Oddly enough, this guy was sitting one row and a few seats over from me in the nosebleed seats. He didn’t even seem that interested in the match while it was happening – he was more interested in loudly insisting that everyone help him eat the large order of fries he’d purchased.

10 Words You Need to Stop Misspelling

The decade in news photographs



The Lisbon airport tries to make Christmas travel fun

Slooow moooootion Maru
