Author: miri


Well, I’m still computerless. Having decided to remove the wallpaper from the partially ripped up wall has created an even larger mess – so no telling when I’ll be back online at home. :(

Non-Happy New Year

Hope everyone’s New Year has gotten off to a great start. I’m not too sure about mine – right now I’m computerless. My computer room is ripped up so that some pipes in the walls can be replaced. What fun! (thank goodness for Internet access from work.)

Visit to Kentucky

Well, I just got back from a nice visit with my grandmother. Pictures can be found in the Kentucky section of the gallery.

Cumberland Falls
Also, I knew my first Christmas day with my dad was going to be a rough, I just didn’t realize how rough. I mean, I managed to get through Thanksgiving okay, right? Christmas was just so much harder. Dad loved giving gifts… Thank goodness for Mom or I never would have made it.

Happy Holidays

The last of the shopping is done…now to finish making gifts and wrapping! Too much to do! I hope everyone has a happy holiday season of their choice.

Redesign Launch

Yeah! It’s finally ready to go live! Welcome to the updated Web site. This was done in less than a week, so the probability of errors is high. If you have a problem, find a broken link or a misspelled word, please let me know!

Ready to go!

Okay, now I’ve got all the pages done. I just need to finish loading up the daily photos and I can take this live!


Welcome to the revised Miriland site complete with my own simple version of a webblog. It’s been over 3 years since I’ve updated the look of my site (I’ve been busy building sites for others), so I thought it was about time! Right now, I’ve just ported most of my old site over to this new look, but I hope to steadily increase the features the site has to offer. Thanks for your patience.

One of my reasons for updating the site, was to use the knowledge that I’ve gained over the past few years. This new site is a combination of static files, dynamic php script and MySQL database driven pages.

Odd blue cactus sculpture
