Tag: austin

Bridge Snowmen

Seen in south Austin

Seen in south Austin

Capitol and tree

11/26: Lady Bird Lake Volkssport Walk

Fall day in Austin

The only thing that could have made today’s walk more perfect was if I’d taken my big camera with. As it was, I decided to take my point and shoot since I was carrying a picnic lunch. Big mistake – the weather and scenery were wonderful.

I did the Lady Bird Lake annual Volkssport Walk (run by the Colorado River Walkers). The walk starts at a hotel just off Riverside and winds around Lady Bird Lake and Barton Springs. It was a lovely fall afternoon – if a big windy. The parks were full of people relaxing and/or trying to work off their Thanksgiving dinner from the previous Thursday. It was one of those, “why the heck don’t I come down here and enjoy this more often” kind of things. I mean, seriously – it’s so lovely here I should come down and walk around the lake all the darn time.

Mom to tot in stroller: Isn’t it nice out? And no mosquitoes biting us.
Tot: Why not? Were are they? On vacation?
Mom: *chuckling* Yes, sweetie, they are on vacation.

Photos are here or watch this slide show:


Info per Endomondo:
Distance 8.65 mi – more like 6.5
Duration 3h:58m:59s
Avg. Speed 2.2 mph
Max. Speed 25.8 mph – hahahaha! Man, the GPS on my phone sucks
Calories 874 kcal
Hydration 0.94L
Min. Altitude 340 ft
Max. Altitude 500 ft
Total Ascent 525 ft
Total Descent 532 ft
