Is it Really Aide?
6 February, 2003
The one bit of George Bush’s State of the Union speech that made sense to me was the announcement of increased funding to combat AIDS in Africa. Well, it turns out, that most of it comes from funds we’re using to fight malaria, malnutrition and various diseases that can be prevented by vaccination:
Table 1 clarifies that for the combined total of the Global AIDs Initiative and the Child Survival and Health account (which includes the bulk of HIV/AIDs assistance in H.J.RES.2), the Administration’s request for fiscal 2004 shows no net increase relative to the fiscal 2003 funding in H.J.RES.2. This is because the Administration’s increase of $450 million for the Global AIDs initiative is offset by a $470 million shortfall in its Child Survival and Health request relative to the fiscal 2003 appropriations bill.
So why isn’t this being mentioned in the press?