Walk for the Cure
2 November, 2003
Well, I did it! The weather was hot and very muggy (with occasional sprinkles) but seeing all 5 lanes of Congress Ave (and adjacent sidewalks) full of walkers from the river to the Capitol building was a sight I won’t forget. There were many dots of pink in the crowd – these were breast cancer survivors with either their pink survivor shirts or hats on. Also, many people had pink signs attached to their shirts with “In memory of” a lost loved one’s name or “In celebration of” a survivor’s name. At one point, my friend Jess and I were behind a father and daughter. His sign said “In memory of my wife” – hers was in memory of her mother. There was a happier moment when we found ourselves behind a family 4 walkers strong: father, son, daughter and their breast cancer surviving mom. My favorite sign? A lady in a pink survivor shirt with a sign that said, “In celebration of ME.” You go!
Towards the end of the route, there were people along the sidewalks cheering everyone on – and a policeman playing the bagpipes. He got a hearty round of applause from everyone.
We didn’t come in last, but were constantly being passed – if we hadn’t have started in the middle of the pack, I bet we’d have been feeling the door slamming on our asses as we crossed the finish line. Thanks to my friend Jess for walking along with me and not taking off on a pace her much fitter and younger body could have handled. ;)
Thanks to everyone who supported me in this walk. It was great experience and I appreciate your help in raising money and awareness for this cause.