Eye Drops
25 April, 2005
I had my ‘pre-op’ LASIK visit today. They did all kinds of things – including an ultra-sound of my eye and sticking pieces of paper in my eye and making me keep then in a few minutes! (Here’s what what the paper thing probably looked like.) They said I have “just enough” tissue to do the procedure. (Well, that sounds encouraging.) Also, I have very dry eyes, so they prescribed Restasis. They gave me a little baggie with 4 different kinds of eye drops (this is in addition to the Restasis prescription), special wrap-around shades (for after surgery) and goggles I’m supposed to wear at night for the first week after my surgery. Figuring out the eye drop schedule might be beyond my limited math capabilities!
Since coming home I’ve been reading up on Restasis and it sounds like a load of hooey to me, but I figured I should follow through with it since I want the best result possible. You aren’t, however, supposed to let anything touch the tip of the wee little bottle as you try to squeeze the drops into your eye. I’m so blind, I usually have to go by touch to put drops in my eye. I can’t get close enough to a mirror to see my eyes and hands and still be in a position to put the drops in. I made a mess of it my first attempt and got more all over my face and hands than in my eye. Hope the next time goes better…