
Baby Hippo Love

A picture and story that might rival the baby panda for cuteness. Might.

As soon as he was placed in his enclosure, the orphaned youngster immediately ran to the giant tortoise also housed in that space. The tortoise, named Mzee (Swahili for “old man”) and estimated to be between 100 and 130 years old, was not immediately taken with the brash newcomer — he turned and hissed, forcing the hippo to back away. Yet Owen persisted in following the tortoise around the park (and even into a pool), and within days the pair had forged a friendship, eating and sleeping together. Owen has even been seen to lick the tortoise, whom he regards as his new mother. (Wildlife workers speculated that Owen may have been attracted to Mzee as a parental figure because the tortoise’s shape and color are similar to those of an adult hippopotamus.)

Oh, who am I kidding. Tai Shan and his little tub is the cutest ever. He even looks darn cute (and quite sure of said cuteness) when mom is grooming him.

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