Now you own it, now you don’t
11 August, 2007
People who “bought” videos from Google are getting screwed. Why? Google has decided to take them back and reimburse the “owners” with credit at partner stores which expires in 60 days. Way to drive money to Google’s partners. [Article on Boing Boing] Their videos will stop working on August 15th. Guess “buy” and “own” don’t mean the same things they used to.
To fully account for the video purchases you made before July 18, 2007, we are providing you with a Google Checkout bonus for $5.00. Your bonus expires in 60 days, and you can use it at the stores listed here: The minimum purchase amount must be equal to or greater than your bonus amount, before shipping and tax.
After August 15, 2007, you will no longer be able to view your purchased or rented videos.