It’s a boy!
12 November, 2007
Jeff arrived today – on his birthday! We didn’t see him until dinner, however. He and Jenny were too busy checking out Swatch stores all day to be bothered with us.
Lucy, Lisa and I started the day at Notre Dame. Lisa climbed the stairs to the top (I wish I was in the kind of shape that allowed for that!) while Lucy and I planned to see the crypt. Turns out, the crypt is closed for this month. Just our luck! Anyway, I roamed around inside the cathedral since I hadn’t been yet (the rest of the gang went on my off day). Then Lucy and I sat around outside and ignored beggars until Lisa was done. Next up was Sainte-Chapelle – a stunningly gorgeous church on the other side of the island. After that, we wondered was so great about Le Concierge before heading off to the Arc de Triomphe. Lucy and Lisa climbed the stairs while I took the elevator (and 46 stairs) to the top. The views of the city are fantastic. Next we headed back to Notre Dame to meet up with Jenny and Jeff and, from there, roamed the streets in search of a place to eat dinner. After which, we posed for our traditional daily group photo. This will be our only one with Jeff (since we aren’t cool enough for him to hang with sans Jenny) and our last one with Jenny. She goes home very early tomorrow morning.
Image posted and by fellow traveler chanuck.