Category: Blog

Blind, Yet Seeing – The Brain’s Subconscious Visual Sense

Interesting article in the Times. I have to wonder, however, if the researcher who shadowed the man might have been subconsciously giving out clues as well.

The man, a doctor left blind by two successive strokes, refused to take part in the experiment. He could not see anything, he said, and had no interest in navigating an obstacle course — a cluttered hallway — for the benefit of science. Why bother?

When he finally tried it, though, something remarkable happened. He zigzagged down the hall, sidestepping a garbage can, a tripod, a stack of paper and several boxes as if he could see everything clearly. A researcher shadowed him in case he stumbled.

What is the percentage of total personal bankruptcies caused by health care bills?

A Harvard study published in 2005 found that about half of those who filed for bankruptcy said health care expenses, illness or related job-loss led them to do so. Twenty-seven percent cited uncovered medical bills specifically, and 2 percent said they had mortgaged their home to pay what they owed.

Why recounts are tough

Seriously? People can’t be bothered to get even close to coloring within the lines?

The New York Times

One of the perhaps 1,500 disputed ballots being inspected by the state canvassing board.

Government inAction

S.E.C. Says It Missed Signals on Madoff Fraud Case –

The Securities and Exchange Commission said Tuesday night that it had missed repeated opportunities to discover what may be the largest financial fraud in history, a Ponzi scheme whose losses could run as high as $50 billion.

The commission said it received credible allegations about the scheme at least nine years ago and will immediately open an internal investigation to examine why it had failed to pursue them aggressively.

Fun Photos

11 Fun Lego Photos

Have you ever met a Lego enthusiast? They can be a lot of fun to talk to and will open up a whole world (or perhaps ‘culture’ is a better word) for you around the little colorful bricks that many of us stop playing with as kids. Many Lego lovers are also keen photographers who love to document their work, fun, humor and creativity. Here’s just a quick sample of some of the hundreds of thousands of Lego Photos on Flickr.

Ford Says It Can Survive but Urges a Rescue for the Industry

Okay, wait – so they have $9 billion wriggle room in their budget/planning?

The Ford Motor Company told Congress on Tuesday that it wanted access to $9 billion in loans but that it could survive and become profitable in three years without the money unless the current recession “is longer and deeper than we now anticipate.”

45 Vintage ‘Space Age’ Illustrations

I want robots to decorate my Christmas tree – wait, I want to decorate it, the robots can protect it from Mishka.


As a child, I truly believed that at this point in my life I would be living in a space-dome community with a flying car and a robot maid. I can even remember the utter disappointment of realizing that most of the things I read in my dad’s back issues of Popular Science magazine would never see the light of day.

Sneaky bastids

11th-Hour Rush to Enact a Rule That Obama Fought –

The Labor Department proposal is one of about 20 highly contentious rules the Bush administration is planning to issue in its final weeks. The rules deal with issues as diverse as abortion, auto safety and the environment. One rule would make it easier to build power plants near national parks and wilderness areas. Another would reduce the role of federal wildlife scientists in deciding whether dams, highways and other projects pose a threat to endangered species.

Or, as my friend said:

I love President Bush. Always willing to stick to principals and fuck over the little guy.

Now that’s a roadblock

It ain’t just a river in Egypt

ABC News: Bush on His Legacy: I ‘Liberated’ Iraqis

In a personal and wide-ranging interview conducted by his sister about his legacy, his faith and the influence of his father, President George W. Bush said he hopes to be remembered as a liberator of the Iraqi people.

“I surrounded myself with good people,” Bush said. “I carefully considered the advice of smart, capable people and made tough decisions.”

“The promise of No Child Left Behind has been fulfilled,” Bush said.
