Month: June 2006

Steps for making your bed with clean sheets

  1. Take all the pillows off your bed and stack them on the vanity.
  2. Take clean sheets out of the dryer and stack them on the pillows

  3. Put the bottom sheet on the bed – just go around any cat lumps you might encounter.

  4. Tease the cat lump by lifting up the covers and trying to take pictures of it. Then drop the covers back down and scare the cat lump by grabbing it.

  5. Put the top sheet and blanket on the bed.
  6. Wait for the cat lump to emerge from under the sheets
  7. Enjoy the “clean sheets” cat dance.

  8. The dancing will go on for as long as it needs to.

  9. There is no stopping it. Just accept it.

  10. Leave the room and wait for the dance to be over. The sooner you leave, the sooner it will be over.

  11. After the dancing is done, put the bedspread on. Do not do this before the dancing ends as the dancing requires extensive use of claws. The bedspread does not like claws.

  12. Put clean pillow cases on the pillows and put them back on the bed.

Here’s a bad video of the dance.

Flick’d Away

Do you have a flickr account with oodles and oodles of pictures? (Well, who doesn’t?) A cautionary tale from Zeldman: be sure to renew on time.

‘Breathtaking’ Waste and Fraud in Hurricane Aid

What to read something that will piss you off on many levels? Check out this New York Times article:

Among the many superlatives associated with Hurricane Katrina can now be added this one: it produced one of the most extraordinary displays of scams, schemes and stupefying bureaucratic bungles in modern history, costing taxpayers up to $2 billion.

The mobile homes, costing $34,500 each, were supposed to provide temporary housing to hurricane victims. But after Louisiana officials balked at installing them inland, FEMA had no use for them. Nearly half, or about 10,000, of the $860 million worth of units now sit at an airfield in Arkansas, where FEMA is paying $250,000 a month to store them.


I drove to Galveston yesterday. I’m not entirely sure why. It was damn hot and humid, so I quickly got back into the car and drove home. Total trip time with stops? 10 hours. Pictures are here.


I took part in the June 21st Day in the Life project for a flickr group. You can see the full set of photos here.

Toy Joy


The joy that is Toy Joy.

Butterflies love my hair – part 2

Butterflies love my hair – part 1

Heading out for the nightly hunt

Austin in the home of America’s largest urban bat colony. They head out from under the Congress Ave bridge every night at sunset to much on bugs. Yay, bats!

Computer desk shopping

I drove to Temple today so that I could see a computer desk. I found it online at Staples – which we don’t have in Austin. I couldn’t find any local carriers that had it, so off I went. I dragged mom along with me and we stopped for dinner and some pictures on the way back. You can check out the whole set here.
